In france, if someone works for other persons more than for himself, we say:
"Shoe-makers often wear bad shoes..."

(In Canada you say: "Auto mechanics often drive the worst maintained autos.."
And in England you say: "A cobbler's childrens have holes in their shoes" :-)

So: this is a temporary Website :-)

In the title of my homepage, I specified "The Only Genuine One", because other people use my name, without embarrassment, to identify their web site.
Stop Copying, Be Creative!
 My softwares  My scripts   The Web sites   The themes  The graphics
Do you enjoy these creations?
Encourage their designer to create
other new projects:
Make a secure credit card donation!

Do you need pictures, websites or softwares? Contact me!

Copyright © 2001-2025 GRAPHYS - Content on this site (and those mentioned too)
is licensed under a special Creative Commons Attribution License.
Please refer to the copyright page:
(you can verify there if you have an authorisation to use some images).

Projects  Updates 
Soon... - (temporary menu)  


X'nBeep is a digital alarm clock for Windows XP ! Widget, Clock,
Beeper... Your desktop will enjoy this nice-looking DonationWare!

Version 1.1
Icons Suggestion for FileZilla 3.0

For a long time I use “FileZilla”, the free quality software which makes possible to manage FTP transfers. Nevertheless I always found the icon a little old-fashioned. In spite of the release of the successive versions, nothing changed. I thus propose, for the version 3.0 (in preparation) following icons (click on the picture)!

Many projects (in french) will be translated later...
Themes & Softwares - (temporary menu)  
Le Gros Million

The solution to choose a combination for the pulling of euromillion without falling into the traps from the grids or the ticket flash! The Large Million is a software freeware (free) which randomly generates 5 numbers and 2 stars.

Version 1.0

Azerty I, II, III for Firefox & Azerty 'mail for Thunderbird !

PS : Click below to discover a face for Firefox:

Get Firefox (logo by graphys)

Azerty 'mail
Version 2.1.1
october 15, 2006

Azerty I & II
Version 3.0.1
october 25, 2006

Azerty III
Version 3.1.1
october 25, 2006

GiveMeTac !
Virtual Metronome



Holy Days !
french PHP/MySQL Script to show on your website :

today date , celebrates of the day (season , patron saint ,
and your own events (like World Cup Baseball ;-))

This script doesn't need any change each year: it works for ever!
And you can adapt it according to your own language.


Version 2.4.2

free music